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Candidate Training  April 17, 2021


8:30 am WELCOME Cheryl Thompson-Draper & Becky Berger

Legal Aspects PAC & Ethics Commission Reporting, FEC PAC-Eric Opiela

Make a Plan for your Campaign, Staff and Volunteers”  “Who you need and for what?” Jessica Colon

Image and Presentation  Becky Berger

It's all in the Numbers  Todd Gallaher

Publicity & Written Materials  Felicia Harris  Hoss

Fundraising “It takes Money to Run”  Becky Berger

Difference between being a Candidate and an Elected Official  Judge Jaimie Tijerina

Win or Lose be prepared  Dr. Robin Armstrong

Work through Lunch 

Campaign Volunteers/Staff Workshop

If your candidate does not win…..Dr. Robin Armstrong

Organize and Implement a Winning Campaign Jennifer Knesek

Letter writing campaigns "how to be effective" Felicia Harris  Hoss

Election Integrity Pollwatching, Deputy Voter Registrar Robbi Hull

“Streetwalkers and Call Girls” the Red Tennis Shoe Brigade  TBA 

Representing the Candidate Todd Gallaher

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